Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is my child experiencing speech and/or language delays?

A: This list highlights skills we would expect for each age range. For additional information on developmental milestones, visit the American Speech and Hearing Association or Ages to Stages.

Age 2-3 Years:

uses word combinations often (go car, sit Mama, etc.)

tries to get your attention by saying “Look at me!”

follows two requests at once (e.g., Get the book and put it on the table)

Asks and answers questions

Correctly produces most vowels and consonants p, b, m, h, w, d, and n in words

Speech is becoming clearer but may not be understood by unfamiliar listeners

Age 3-4 Years:

Tells you a story from a book or a video

Language includes more location words (inside, on, under)

articles (a, the) and comparison (bigger, shorter)

Says the sounds at the beginning, middle and ends of words

By 4 years, speech is understood by others most of the time

Age 4-5 Years:

Produces grammatically correct sentences that include time concepts (yesterday, tomorrow)

irregular plurals (feet, men), location words (behind, between) and uses connectors to convey ideas in personal stories (and, then, because, so)

Follows directions and rules to play games

Blends word parts like cup+cake=cupcake and identifies words that rhyme

Produces most consonants correctly and is understood in conversation

Q: What should I expect from an evaluation?

A: An evaluation is an opportunity for Peek-a-Boo Speech to learn more about your child and the concerns you have. Before the scheduled evaluation, an intake form will be completed to document relevant developmental history, medical history, family history, and parent concerns.

The evaluation will typically take 1 hour and will focus on your child’s language, speech, literacy and play skills. If additional concerns are found which are outside of the scope of Peek-a-Boo Speech a consult may be recommended to an audiologist, dentist, ear nose and throat doctor (ENT) or a related therapy discipline (occupational or physical therapy).

Q: How long does it take to begin therapy?

A: Therapy typically begins two weeks after the initial evaluation if the results of a child’s evaluation warrant treatment.

Q: Where do you meet for therapy?

A: Peek-a-Boo Speech provides treatment in the natural environment. Natural environments can include home, libraries, parks, grocery stores, and playgrounds.

Q: Do you provide teletherapy services?

A: Peek-a-Boo Speech offers teletherapy services using a HIPPA compliant platform through Jane which is an online electronic medical record. You will create a login and password to access Jane and the teletherapy platform. All you need is a computer, tablet or laptop and use of a headset is recommended.

Q: How often will we meet for therapy?

A: The frequency of the therapy will be determined following the evaluation and a Good Faith Estimate will be provided with the projected cost of services for a calendar year. Therapy sessions are typically 45 minutes in length.

Q: What are your office hours?

A: Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00-4:00 pm. The best way to contact Peek-a-Boo Speech is via email at

Q: Do you accept health insurance?

A: At this time, Peek-a-Boo Speech is an in-network provider for Aetna and a credentialed out-of-network provider for Tricare. Peek-a-boo Speech offers a super bill for services rendered. Super bills can be submitted to insurance plans for reimbursement. It is important to contact your insurance company for their procedure and reimbursement rates.

Payment for services is due at the time of your appointment with Peek-a-Boo Speech. During the intake process, a credit card on file is required through Jane, Peek-a-Boo Speech’s secure electronic medical record system.

Q: I noticed you offer groups with Little Hands, can my child with delays attend classes?

A: Absolutely! All children are welcome to attend group classes. Group classes include language literacy classes, music and movement classes and infant massage classes. Visit Little Hands for additional information.

Q: Do you offer speech and language screenings?

A: Yes! Peek-a-Boo Speech offers daycares and schools free screenings for enrolled families. To learn more, please contact Vanessa at

Q: Does Peek-a-Boo Speech offer continuing education trainings?

A: Yes! Peek-a-Boo Speech in partnership with Little Hands offers trainings for daycare and preschool staff. Please contact Vanessa Talbott for additional information at Recent trainings included:

  • a staff development training at Abracadabra Preschool in Alexandria, Virginia in August, 2024 which focused on social/emotional development, language and literacy, and music for transitions.
  • Peek-a-Boo Speech and Little Hands presented at the local NAEYC chapter on 10/5/24. Subjects included using music for transitions “Let the Music Move You” and “Storytime Reimagined – Addressing language delays and enhancing opportunities for learning”

Cute pig illlustration which is part of our curriculum at Peek a boo speech.

Visit the ASHA website
Visit the CBMT website Visit the Infant Massage USA Website Learn more about an integrated approach to pediatric feeding