Welcome to Peek-a-Boo Speech!

We are an early childhood speech therapy and language practice for kids’ birth to age 5 located in Alexandria Virginia.


Cute pig illlustration which is part of our curriculum at Peek a boo speech.

At Peek-a-Boo Speech we are committed to ensuring kids develop into the best communicators they can be, and we have fun doing it!

Peek a boo speech therapy illustration of kid

Vanessa Talbott, Licensed Speech Language Pathologist in Northern Virginia

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Who is Peek-a-boo?

child playing with toy

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Child and parent engaged in home speech therapy

Our Speech Therapy Services

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Hi, I’m Vanessa!

Offering in-home and teletherapy direct assessment and speech therapy treatment sessions for children up to 5 years of age in the greater Alexandria City area.

Service Offerings